Virtual Reality tours are one of the most important attractions for people visiting Hellenic Cosmos. At the three innovative systems , "Tholos", the "Kivotos", and the "Virtual Cinema", visitors, wearing stereoscopic glasses and using a small navigation devise, take part in virtual travels. They visit cities and monuments that no longer exist and experience history in a unique way. In addition, in November 2006 "Tholos" will be inaugurated, a semi-circular theatre (with a capacity of 130 people), which will add new dimensions to Virtual Reality. It will host the Foundation's digital productions and will present tours, while allowing for interaction between the spectator and the virtual environment.
We would like to inform our non-greek speaking visitors that our V.R. exhibits have only Greek captions and narration.
English narration (and possibly other languages) is available by appointment only.
• • Please check availability before you visit the museum. • •
The following tours are available: |