Art. 5- 16-9-38.

"1st) All the Greeks and Armenians between 18 and 45 years old, who reside in the liberated by our army territories,

as well as the Greeks and Armenians transported by the Greek army to the coasts for embarkation and then abandoned following the incessant pursuit of our army, must immediately surrender. They will be kept as prisoners of war until the termination of hostilities. This measure is taken against them as they took officially arms against the Fatherland, because they enlisted in the enemy army, because they have lately set fire to cities and villages and carried out unheard of atrocities against the peaceful civilians and should be prevented from reinforcing the enemy army if set free.

"2nd) All those that the first article does not concern and generally all the Smyrniot families or Greek and Armenian refugees, can emigrate until the 30 September 1338. Those who, this date elapsing, will not have evacuated the country will be deemed suspect of threatening the security of the army and public order and will be led outside the war zone.

"3rd) Because the Grand National Assembly took measures to mop up the remains of the Greek army and eliminate the destructive organizations of the enemy, all the inhabitants independently of race and religion must return to their hearths and resume their occupations in time of peace.

The commander-in-chief


Ch. Angelomatis, Chronikon Megalis Tragodias, Athens, Bookshop of Estia, n.d., p. 262.